• Graduate of BeST Scoping Techniques
  • Member of NCRA
  • Member of SSG
  • Phone: (813) 837-6062
  • Email: lindatroxel@aol.com

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Preference Sheet

Professionally trained scopist available for regular or overflow work. I provide confidential scoping services utilizing Eclipse CAT software. I am friendly, reliable, conscientious, detail oriented, and take great pride in my work. Customer satisfaction is my number-one priority. I will strive to exceed your expectations. My goal is to provide you with the cleanest transcript possible, using your personal preferences and style.

I am proud to offer the following services:

  • High-speed Internet service
  • Reasonable rates
  • Faxing capabilities
  • Able to read steno
  • Strong English and grammar skills
  • Fast turnaround time
  • Flexible work schedule
While you are busy earning more money on your next job, I will be busy scoping your last file. You will spend less time editing and more time earning! I look forward to working as a team to create a very rewarding and lucrative business partnership.

Please contact me at (813) 837-6062 or email me at lindatroxel@aol.com to discuss your scoping needs.

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